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Marie-Pier Lemay, PhD (she/her)

I am an Assistant Professor (Teaching Stream) in the Philosophy Department at Carleton University.

Previously, I was a FRQSC and SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the Global Studies Center and the Political Science Department of the University of Pittsburgh. My postdoctoral advisor was Michael Goodhart.

I work primarily in Social and Political Philosophy, Development Ethics, and Feminist Philosophy. I have research and teaching interests in Applied and Normative Ethics, Development Studies, Gender Studies, and Decolonial Philosophy. My postdoctoral project addresses political solidarity from the standpoint of social movements that tackle gender and racial justice. I investigate how informal spaces of solidarity can alternately support or undercut important values of inclusion and diversity.

I hold a PhD in Philosophy and International Development Studies from the University of Guelph, Ontario (2021), and a MA in Philosophy from the Université de Montréal (2016). My dissertation, “Grounding Feminist Solidarity,” was supervised by Monique Deveaux. Serene J. KhaderCandace Johnson, and Renée Sylvain sat on my advising committee.

You can contact me at: MariePierLemay [at] cunet.carleton [dot] ca and you can also find me on LinkedIn, PhilPeople, and Google Scholar.